BSP Custom Projection Control Consoles - 3 Video Upgrades
A projection control console allows you to perform all kinds of manipulations on a large screen and your video system — something that your entire audience will be witness to, in real time.

Therefore, this process has to be smooth and convenient, not to leave your viewers confused.
A film screening under the stars is just a basic application of your outdoor movie equipment. There can be many more sophisticated use scenarios. You may find yourself showing video art behind the music band performing on-stage.
Frequently there are hosts, mcees that talk before the main show of the evening. You may need to control the volume of their mike, the level of their mike related to the ambient music and show the sponsor's logo on the screen — all of this at the same time.
See article: BSP Custom Projection Control Consoles - The Latest Audio Upgrades.
A well-thought projection control console can help you with all of that. In this article we will talk about your options for video.
1- Video mixer
Any kind of a complex live performance will benefit from a video mixer in a projection control console. The main task of the video mixer is to mix various video streams from different sources — smoothly, and with precision.
Let's say your event customer feels like interrupting the movie show with a brief public announcement or a video ad. You may mix the video signal from the Blu-ray player with a video that you have on your laptop, using the video mixer in your projection control console from Big Screen Pro.
2- HDMI switch
Compared to a video mixer, an HDMI switch will not allow you to make fade-in/fade-out transitions or use the picture-in-picture mode. But it lets you switch between video sources easily and conveniently without the need to plug in, plug out any wires.
The HDMI switch may have several inputs and outputs. The inputs are used to receive signal from your laptop, media player, smartphone — you name it. The second output will be useful for a video preview monitor.
3- Preview monitors
The main show is happening on your big inflatable screen. But for your video mixing needs, you can benefit from a preview monitor. Or two — depending on the complexity of your ongoing task.

Let's imagine that before the main feature a film director came to greet the audience. And there are two video cameras showing a close up of the director and the reaction of the audience. In this situation, it will be convenient to use two preview monitors to see what is shown on each of the cameras and switch between the video sources on your big screen.
We make your projection control console as capable as your current task requires. Even if you think that your specific use scenario is too complicated and impossible be sure to share your challenges with us. Big Screen Pro team will be glad to brainstorm with you.
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